Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Dalat, Vietnam

We thought the mountain area of Dalat would be a welcome relief from the hot temperatures we have been experiencing for such a long time- unfortunately, it was wet and miserably cold! We had to put on our thermal underwear and woollens!

Dalat is a place that Vietnamese honeymooners like to visit. At night, in the city centre, there was a festival atmosphere with young noisy Vietnamese hiring tandem bicycles and causing havoc in the streets.

There is a lake near the centre of Dalat and it has a golf course for the Vietnamese who earn over $5 million Dong per month: $500nz! The poor earn 25cents a day!
Dalat has a cable car for tourists to visit the pine forest areas. It is also famous for its flowers and there is a large flower garden for tourists to visit.