Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Kota Kinabatangan Wildlife Reserve, Borneo, Malaysia

You can't come to Borneo and not visit the jungle. So, we booked a tour to stay 3 days and 2 nights in the jungle.

In the boat on the way to the lodge we were lucky enough to spot our first orangutan in the wild, several long tail macaque monkey, silver leafed monkey, proboscis monkey and lots of hornbill birds, egrets, and serpent eagles.
The lodge was a very basic affair: mattresses on a wood floor under a mosquito net. The windows and doors were chicken wire to keep the rats and mischievous monkeys out. The rooms were linked by a boardwalk as we were above the water and being the wet season it was quite high. The kitchen and dining areas were built to float above the water but the rooms would need to be cleaned out after flooding. Luckily we had no rain the whole time we were in camp!
In the evening we went by boat with a spotlight to see the nightlife of the jungle. The kingfishers obliged by sitting still so we could photograph their iridescent feathers!
The yellow ringed snake was so close we could have touched it (if we wanted to)as it rested in the leaves waiting for insects.
At 6am we headed off in the early morning mist to see the early risers. We were rewarded with seeing a herd of about 12 wild elephants grazing along the river bank just a few metres away from us. It was most unusual to see elephants at this time of the year as they are here in August, so were luck once more!
On the last evening at 9pm, we waded knee deep in the water through the jungle to look for more wildlife. We saw
The glass frog which is transparent
Everyday we had monkeys, pigs,a monitor lizard and an otter around the camp.
All in all we had a fantastic time, ate well and met some great people.