Thursday, July 5, 2007

Vang Vieng - Laos

What a place! It was full of young Western tourists and most of the locals spoke English. It is beside some limestone cliffs in a beautiful setting beside the river. They offer tubing, kayaking, rock climbing and caving. Along the river are bars with boom boom boxes where the tubers and kayakers stop to drink. We saw some of the drunk ones tubing past our hotel in the dark with no idea of where they were going!

The town has cushioned seats where the tourists lie down and watch reruns of the American Sit-com 'Friends" or "The Simpsons" or DVD movies. The restaurant\bars compete with each other and the more flashing lights and loud music the better they are noticed!
Anyone for a haircut?

We could not get a direct bus and had to stand on the side of the road at a junction town and were entertained by the locals trying to sell their produce to the passing buses. The young children around 7 -10 were persistent! They had containers of cooked corn cobs.

These ladies in traditional dress were selling a rooster and vegetables. They were so proud to have their photo taken!
This is the ticket office we bought our onward bus ticket from.