Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Ionian Coast, Himara, Albania

We caught a bus to Himara and as soon as we got off it we were confronted with a collapsed old building covered with litter and stinking overflowing rubbish carts. It was not a nice sight.

We were given a contact for a hotel on the waterfront by Kent and Ali, two travelers from Australia. We booked in there and enjoyed spending time wandering about the small seaside town.

Most of the cars we saw in town had Italian number plates and probably belonged to Albanians from there.

We found a small store that sold fresh fruit. it is such a treat to eat nectarines, peaches, grapes and melons and they are so cheap.

There are many 'burek' shops that sell filo-like pastries stuffed with salty feta cheese, feta and spinach, and minced meat. The locals usually have a burek for breakfast.

We looked at having fish for dinner but the prices were as high as in New Zealand so didn't bother and got a pizza instead. You can always find pizza and pasta restaurants in Eastern Europe.

From the pizza restaurant we could see several fires burning in the hills around Himara. The hotel owner told us they were accidental but it seems common practice here to burn off old dry vegetation to get new growth for the goats and sheep. It was an amazing sight as the wind fanned the fames and they raced along the ridge tops above the town. By morning the fires seemed to have run out of fuel.